Sample of an IUP form provided by Michele McCoy for the convenience of participants. Please change appropriate information if you use this form.

Dear Parents,

Each spring I do a special Internet Poetry Project that is coordinated by a retired teacher in Tennessee, Mrs. Nixon. If you would like your child's work posted on our class website, created by Mrs. Nixon, please sign the permission slip below. If you DO NOT want your child's work posted, please indicate that below as well. EVERY child will be expected to complete all the work related to the project as it is part of our curriculum and covers many academic standards. For safety, we never publish your child's last name or address. Only the state, not the city or school name is posted. Also, the web address for the project is given ONLY to participants and is not published on any search engines. Please feel to share it with friends or family, but keep this as private as possible, so don't post it on an office bulletin board or in any other public place! Thanks!

Poetry Project:

- - - - - - - - - CUT HERE and Return -- - - - - - - - -

My child, __________________________________,
(print child's name)

_____ has my permission to have her/his work published on the Internet for any class projects done at school.

_____ DOES NOT have my permission to have her/his work published on the Internet for any class projects done at school.

Signed, _________________ Date ______________

By giving permission to post your child's work to the project, you are also agreeing to hold the district, teacher and project director blameless if any harm arises as a result of the project. Let me assure that there have been no problems in all the years these projects have been run (since 1996), and we do not expect any this year. We are very careful not to post private information (last name, address, children's photos, etc.) We also teach the children what things they can and cannot put on the Internet. Legal and insurance guidelines of the district require this permission slip.

****If I do not get this permission slip returned to me on or before (deadline date), I will assume your child does not have permission. Therefore, their work won't published on our Project Pages. Not returning the slip will NOT prevent your child from participating in the project. It simply prevents their work from being posted on our website.

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