Revision Checklist

My Revision

Questions to Ask for Revision

Partner Revision

I reread my paper out loud to myself looking at it carefully for any confusing words, sentences, or parts.

I think I need to add:

    more interesting vocabulary

    a better lead sentence to hook my audience

    stronger verbs that show and not just tell what is happening

    a concluding sentence that ties the piece together

    capitalization where needed

    correct punctuation

I think I need to take away:

    parts that don't make sense in my story

    confusing words

    words I may have used too often (and, but, so, then, I, he, she, it…)

    sentences that are repeating what I have said

    misspelled words

    capital letters where they are not needed (in the middle of words or words that don't need them)

I think I need to cut and paste to move some things around:

    to put things in better order

    to make sense

    to sound clearer and better

    to make room and add to the piece

My revision group made these suggestions:

