Book discussions in novel groups

All students come to the group with books, pencils, post it notes with questions or comments on them and paper.

The rules for Discussion are posted and reviewed:

  1. Prepare questions or ideas in advance.
  2. Everyone responds to each question or idea.
  3. Ask new questions that come to your mind during the discussions.
  4. Everyone's opinion counts.
  5. Offer constructive criticism without put-downs, and give your reasons.
  6. Everyone helps to find support in the novel when questions arise.
  7. Compare books to other books, something that has happened, or your own experiences. (text to text, text to world, text to self).

Teacher group meeting form

Date: Student's name:
Brought book to meeting:
Prepared for discussion:
Participated in the discussion

Group evaluation form

1. Everyone in the group was prepared. Yes No
2. Everyone in the group shared. Yes No
3. Everyone in the group helped find support in the book. Yes No
4. Everyone's opinions were valued. Yes No
5.The next time we need to work on: